shouldcosting | Partner Certification

Partner Program | Together Successful

Our partners use our software and our algorithms in their projects and are able to support data-driven processes at their customers. Our certification is a guided, modular training program and combines physical and virtual live class sessions.

Product Data Intelligence | Partner Program

To help companies successfully expand their business, we offer a tailor-made partner program. Product Data Intelligence and easy to use AI helps our partners to differentiate themselves in the market. We enter into partnerships with leading providers of complementary products and services in order to establish more comprehensive solutions on the market. These partnerships help our customers to achieve their business goals faster and better. Get in touch with us!

Partner Categories

There are different ways to work together. Project-based or software-integrated (via our API). Our partner program is based on three partner categories. Contact us to find out, which partner model is most suitable for your services or software. We are happy to help you.

Partner Certification Program - shouldcosting GmbH

Contact us and let's find out how we can work together!

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